Benihana Around the World

I love Benihana!

Why not try to visit as many as I can on this world adventure.  Here`s where I`ve been and any photos I have taken along the way:

Benihana`s visited on this trip:

1. Concord, CA – 4/17/08   – dad

2. New York, NY – 5/4/08   – Colin, Debbie, Jen Louie, Katie (Last Benihana in NY for a while – goodbye sake bombs for all.

3. London, England- 5/10/08 – Amber (and met another Benihana junkie at our table that`s been to more than me. )

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4. Moscow, Russia – 6/17/08 – I was the only person there (not a single guest besides me – so no sake bombs alone), but such a great treat compared to Russian food.


5. Bangkok, Thailand -10/6/08 – This was a long break from my last Benihana.  Luckily I was able to go with Debbie and it was one of the most expensive meals we had in Thailand.  I will say, we had the most playful chef that even allowed Debbie to throw 2 eggs into his hat and one missed and broke.  He was highly entertaining!


6. Seoul, Korea – 11/4/08 – Sadly, this was one of the worst Benihana experiences ever (see entry for Seoul, Korea for the negative details.  Bummer!

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7. Concord, CA – 1/13/2009 – So excited to see some friends in CA, Jennie Dobies, Jenny Crist and Suzanne Park, and we were lucky to get to celebrate Suzanne`s birthday at Benihana.  Much better experience than in Korea!  Plus I got to make the onion volcano which was a bonus and fun!

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8. New York, NY – 1/23/09 – One last Benihana stop in the US with Debbie, Emily and Colin.  This is the location right by my office, so it felt like home as I`ve been way too many times and it was just as good as ever!

9. Santiago, Chile – 3/22/09 – This was one of the best Benihana`s around the world and the cheapest too!  My normal Benihana delight was 7,900 pesos ($13 and this was the dinner menu!).  The chicken was also not cooked with soy sauce but seasoned with lime juice which was yummy.  Wish I could go back again….


10. Westbury, New York – 7/21/09 – A new Benihana out on Long Island.  Sadly, one of the worst service, as the other guests at our family were super high maintenance (had to have the chicken fried rice cooked three separate ways as each person wanted it difference. ) Debbie and I thought we must have been invisible at the table.    Once we got our food, it was tasty though….

11. New York City, New York – 7/23/09 – Another stop at the good old Benihana with Emily in New York City

12. Concord, California – 9/4/09 – Another stop at Concord but this time Sam joined me and we had a very long dinner catching up as we havn’t seen each other in 16 years.

13. New York City, New York – 10/23/09 – Stopped again in New York, this time with Sandra Testani which was fun to catch up with her.