6 months on the road – thankful for all the friends that joined!

Well I just crossed over my halfway point as I`ve been out traveling for 6 months!  Can`t believe how fast it`s already gone, even though my cash has gone even faster than I expected.  I`ve been so blessed to have so many friends meet me along the way and just wanted to reflect on all those that made the journey with me somewhere.

So far I`ve been able to meet up with old friends of good friend of my friends to further enjoy my travels (Thanks again for coming out):

1. Colin – Jamaica

2. Amber and Richard – London

3. Bernstein London Office  (many of who I trained or worked with over the years) – London

4. Carolyn – London

5. Tom and Rachel – London

6. Nic and Stu – Edinburgh

7. Milena – Met in St. Petersburg and will meet up with again a few times

8. Samantha – Budapest

9. Christine – Budapest

10. Caroyln – bumped into her unexpected on the bridge in Budapest

11. Steph and Shana – Poland (Milena joined us too)

12. Milena – Austria and Slovakia

13. Jenny and Courtney – Croatia

14. Giovanni and Laura – Rome

15. Colin – Greece and Turkey

16. Milena – Turkey

17. Nadav and Barak – Tel Aviv

18. Amanda – Kenya and Tanzania

19. Debbie – India, Nepal, Thailand

20. Vanessa – Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam

Future planned friends to keep me going:

Gina and Ben – Beijing

Milena – Bali for Thanksgiving (we hope)

Vanessa – Melbourne for Christmas

Nancy – Australia

Monica – Australia

Dad and Morgan – Argentina

Who else wants to come… I`ve also met so many wonderful new friends along the way, which I hope to see somewhere else on the road.